Work with Me

I am committed to helping organizations realize their visions for a healthier, cleaner, more equitable future. With all the challenges we face today – climate change, misinformation, and inequality among them – my work focuses on helping organizations understand their piece of the puzzle both organizationally and in their communities.

Environmental Consulting

I help clients hold their own against well-funded corporations and fight through the noise of environmental advocacy and legislation. I’ve helped defeat dozens of fossil fuel proposals and changed the regulatory landscape of fracked gas proposals in the Northwest.

My areas of expertise include strategy, policy analysis, messaging, regulatory proceedings, and analysis of fossil fuel or plastics facility proposals. Clients include Sierra Club, Columbia Riverkeeper, and Spark Northwest.

Equity Consulting

I am committed to anti-racist work and have facilitated DEI trainings for a number of environmental organizations in the Northwest. I have founded and led support communities for women of color and environmental professionals of color. In addition, I have worked closely with on-the-ground organizations led by people of color or economically marginalized community members. Topic areas for consultation include:

  • Grantmaking to communities and organizations of color

  • Moving past entry-level diversity initiatives to equity, inclusion, and anti-racism

  • Making BIPOC coalitions work for diverse stakeholders

  • Women of color in the workplace

  • Mental health and neurodiversity in the workplace

Speaking Engagements

I enjoy connecting the dots between energy policy and environmental justice for communities of color, low income communities, and rural communities.

I’ve spoken at colleges and law schools as well as environmental conferences, board meetings, and other functions.

My foundation as an educator allows me to skillfully convey complex topics to a diverse range of audiences. I’ve given lectures or talks at Lewis & Clark Law School, Western Washington University, the 11th Hour Project, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, among others. I’ve also been a guest on several podcasts to discuss mental health and other topics.

Tarika Powell speaks about fossil fuels  in Portland

Ready to get started?

Let’s discuss how I can help your organization grow stronger. Or, book me to speak at your next event.

  • I offer consultation in three topic areas: environment, education, and equity.

  • I am available to speak at events, trainings, conferences, and colleges or universities. You can also request a guest appearance on your podcast or show. See past events

  • To contact me for an interview or comment, please use the request form.